2024中国国际涂料博览会暨第二十二届中国国际涂料展览会是展示新产品、新技术、建立新客户关系、开拓新市场的最佳平台,也是展示整个供应链体系的最佳平台。2024中国国际涂料博览会由中国涂料工业协会(China National Coatings Industry Association)主办,北京涂博国际展览有限公司(Beijing TUBO International Exhibition Co., Ltd.)承办,将于2024年8月7-9日在上海新国际博览中心举办,展出面积150 000 m2。

联系电话 :13761777608(兼微信)
本届展会既是全球重要的涂料行业博览会,又是全球重要的涂料行业成品、原材料和设备展览会之一,是中国及亚太地区久负盛名的涂料行业超级盛会。中国国际涂料博览会自1995年首届至今已经成功举办 了二十一届,展览范围覆盖整个涂料及相关 产业链领域,已成为涂料界公认的集品牌宣传、产品展示、信息交流、业务拓展等功能为一体的重要平台,广泛吸引涂料及相关产业链企业的积极参与。
With a market volume share of more than 50% of the global coatings market, the Asia-Pacific region is the largest coatings market in the world. Since 2009, China has been the largest coatings market in the world with the fastest growth rate. China is also the dynamic and energetic market for global coatings, raw materials and equipments. CHINA COATINGS SHOW 2024 provides the definitive platform for coatings technology information, business contacts and networking serving the whole supply chain. CHINA COATINGS SHOW 2024 organized by China National Coatings Industry Association and undertaken by Beijing TUBO International Exhibition Co., Ltd. will be held in Shanghai New International EXPO Center on August 7-9, 2024. The exhibition area is 150 000 m2. This exhibition is not only an important show for the global coatings industry, but also one of the most important exhibitions of finished products, raw materials, and equipment in the coatings industry and a highly reputed grand occasion of the Chinese and Asia-Pacific coatings industry. China Coatings Show has been held over 21 years since 1995. The scope of exhibits covers the whole coatings industry and related industrial chains. It is recognized as an important platform integrating the functions of brand promotion, product display, information exchange, and business development in the coatings circles, attracting a wide range of enterprises in the coatings industry and related industrial chains to participate actively.

Raw Materials: resins, pigments, fillers, related raw materials, additives, solvents, etc. for coatings, printing inks, adhesives, and construction chemicals
Green Coatings:various coatings (waterborne coatings, solvent-free coatings, high solids coatings, powder coatings, radiation curing coatings and other environmentally friendly coatings, architectural coatings, industrial coatings, special coatings, high performance coatings, etc.)
Green Coatings and Intelligent Manufacture: intelligent manufacturing equipment, production/packaging equipment and facilities, painting tools/painting equipment, environmental treatment equipment, testing equipment, analytical instruments, quality inspection and R&D
instruments, safety, health, environment and other services
联系电话 :13761777608(兼微信)
联系电话 :13761777608(兼微信)
联系电话 :13761777608(兼微信)